Sunday 8 December 2013

Chuan Kee Chinese Fast Food: Soup# 5

Wazup Foodies!

Ever had that one food delicacy that you really want to try? Something that is totally weird and ironic in a way. Well I do and finally after getting the balls to eat it, it is my pleasure to write down an article about it.

Ladies and Gents for today's dish, its the infamous SOUP# 5! Weird name ha? well let me tell you what this soup is all about.

What is soup# 5? :

Soup Number Five, variously spelled Soup No. 5 or Soup #5, is a soup made from bull's testes or penis. The dish originates from Filipino cuisine It is believed to have aphrodisiac properties.

Why is it called soup# 5?:
The story is that on the menu, there's usually four types of soups not in order. chicken, pork, beef, seafood. The restaurant will put the number 5 on the menu with no name because they don't want the customer to be grossed out on its ingredients. the customers eventually called it soup number 5.

So there you have it, finding this dish was not that hard. You need to go to Ongpin Binondo which is like the Chinese area in Manila. There's a lot of restaurants that offers this specific food and each has its own taste for it. For this entry we get to have our soup# 5 from Chuan Kee which is a Chinese fast food store. We went there around 1pm and the place was quite full.

When finally having a spot, we went to the cashier area to place an order. Basically you need to go to the counter first then pick your order and pay for it. Service was good and the crew was fast in taking orders. After taking some time looking on the choices we finally saw what we want. Soup# 5 on them cost P215.00 which is a reasonable considering the type of ingredient they used.

We sat on our table and got the chance to see how they made it. Waiting for it was around 10-15mins.

After waiting a few minutes finally the much awaited soup finally arrived.

 My first impression was WOW!. The serving was big and full and I can really see the meat on it. It smells like "Bulalo" (Cow Soup with Corn). Knowing what the ingredient is, I took the liberty to check it and see if it really looks like the cow's dick but fortunately it wasn't, so eating it won't be as hard as i thought it would be.

When i had my first sip on the soup it tasted great, its something like you could sip on for the entire lunch. Getting into the meat was a bit of a challenge coz this is the real deal. This is the part that i get to eat a cow's dick. After getting a small piece and eating it, the taste was good. Not eewie... not yuckie or any of those negative reactions. It has a good taste that you can enjoy in a regular meal. How they made it was great considering a very few side ingredients they added on it. If you tried *Bulalo* then the taste is quite near.

Overall it is a Must Try! Now for the aphrodisiac effect, uhmm... it didn't gave me a hard-on but it did gave me that urge to.... getting it done, and it's not that hard to get what I mean.

So if you want to try and be adventurous with your food stories then the Soup# 5 is a good page.

Chuan Kee Chinese Fastfood. 650 Ongpin St. Binondo, Manila

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